The project is the renovation of a historical palace located in Riyadh City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Boutique Group (BG) aims at developing a site composed of buildings such as SPA Centre, Palace buildings with mix use development and mosques. Only SPA and Palace building is in the scope of work for LEED Certification and other buildings are excluded.
The ground floor SPA Centre building primarily consists of wellness suites rooms, indoor pool and tea lounges with Built-up area of 2,000 sqm. The palace building and annexes have two basements, ground floor and three above floors consists of suites, F&B, retails, kitchen and other support areas with Built-up area 30,000 sqm.
The project is aiming at achieving LEED Certification with a target level of Gold. Qatar Green Leaders supported the main contractor by providing LEED technical support during construction to ensure full compliance of LEED requirements. QGL also has been commissioned to complete the LEED design submission.